76 gts turbo

USED Precision 76gts 5k miles chromed compressor housing, coated exhaust housing, a/r .81 undivided $1000 + 3.9% paypal

Calling Dave…

I was just thinking the same… I just started a new job maybe in a few months. How soon do you plan on unloading it ray?

drew where are ya ,this will give ya the numbers ya need kid

I just cleaned this thread up. Please look into the offbeat for the other posts.

GLWS to the OP


minty turbo. no shaft play. makes big power.

will it fit the vette?

Better job.

I needz it.

This thing should sell for a fortune locally. “OMGZ it waz at one time the heart of Rayz Supra”

I miss it-it helped hold down the floor in my garage for a few months.

I wonder when, or IF, my STI would spool this thing.

8k rpms.

whats a couple hundred more rpm of lag… i mean ur already waiting til 5k.

i had full boost by 5200rpm on my motor

lets go you cheap fucks…buy this damn thing NOW!!!

:rofl i dont think thats gonna help

I’ve got someone that wants it…get at me…

Shady seller. :lol

put this thing on ebay, explain who you are, sells for ateast 2500