Precision 76mm BB turbo

This is a pretty bad ass turbo.
Ball bearing, compressor is polished (BLING), hot side is ceramic coated, 76mm. This came off of a very well known local car, and will make big power.
T4 flange, A/R is .81, no shaft play.


Exhaust A/R?

yeah sully whats the A/R. is the shroud ported? (anti surge housing)

Ray said he thinks it’s a .81, I’ll check when I get home. SRY guys.

…you better be


fuckin sully

Make me a sammich

Sullyfailboat all up in this thread.

A/R is .81

Kevin-I expected a smartass remark
Greg-I also expected a smartass remark out of you


Ur scared

sully , ya shoud donate this to me seein as i have your old car . or work out a payment deal with me for it .

Id need .95 so id have to get that changed. Also 13:1 not to friendly. Id like to possibly pick this up for a rainy day.

The hotside is the easiest thing to change

I’d be going with something more like a 1.05 or 1.10

Still, even if i gasket the cr down to 12:5:1, its gonna be a high player and i wont go over 8lbs.

pull the tampoon string out and put the man pants on deathbyrat<3

Snowman needs this for his VRT yes.