Precision 76mm BB turbo

Lots of interest on 2 forums. First with $850 takes it.
Death- I’ll keep that in mind.

Thanks :ninja.

sully dont forget the model is 76GTS.

8 psi is better than zero

True. 8psi is all youll need nick.

i think 40psi is better

Buy this thing, you pansy.

Plus e85

does it have an anti surge housing? how old is the turbo? i just planned on buying one new with the options i want and the correct a/r. you said its an .81?

Ray said “a couple thousand miles”, so probably 2-3000 total. It is a .81a/r
It’s actually the GTS model.

Uploading pics now…

bump for a sexy turbo and and bump for an even sexier seller

Bump for the sex just had with this turbo

BUMP. No buyers yet.

I think the potential buyer backed out, I havent heard anything in a few weeks from him.

Somone buy this junk ! tired of seeing updates on this thread =)