FS: 93 Mazda Miata

I still rule…


GLWS :slight_smile:

looks clean

GLWS :tup:

Fuck, I really need a project car this would be sweet. Getting married is owning me right now.Looks like a good deal. GLWS.


Free bump Brian.

This car fucking rules. :tup:


Thats all its worth. Sell it to me.

give me a deal on that torsen!!

something I can’t refuse

i like…

would buy it to drop a KA-T into… but too rich for my blood atm.

– and by atm i mean ‘ass to mouth’, not ‘at the moment’

i if it was for sale last week you would have this thing sold.

that brings back memories

is this some kind of april fools joke?

great for anyone looking for something light and rightwd, gl

Add 500 with no diff and I won’t do the rack and I would consider it.

Not a joke.
Just feel like stepping up a little.

If I sell the car and still have the torsen you will be the first to know.

someone buy this miata for a hot STS2 setup to race with me





Nice pic.