Biggest post whore (Anthony/kdubs/PJB content inside)

idk, they all suck…“Boost Creep”…really? RBakerian was fine and did the job.

I might change mine to Porschemaster

I refuse to be named after my car. CHRIZZ07ESSESS. Sounds like some lyric out of a T.I. music video.

It’s a car forum.

Chris I believe you are thinking of the rapper BANGS and his hit single “Take U To Da Movies”

TI sings about the Chevys

Shit, I was about to change my name to Dirk Diggler

I refuse to use a car related name on a forum because I never seem to keep a car more than 3.5 years anyway.

Not to mention its spelled wrong.

Im just so confused, I dont know who I am talking to anymore.