Bills game blackout, talk about not getting what you paid for

Definitely ironic that the same week they announce Erie County taxpayers are chipping in 5.4 million dollars for stadium upgrades that the game won’t be televised because it didn’t sell out.

If all the taxpayers have to pay for it, they all should be allowed to watch it. Any local lawyers want to get your name in the news?

Good luck having anything done about NFL Blackouts.

I’m just pissed that even with NFL Sunday Ticket I still can’t get it. THAT is not getting what I paid for.

ur not missing too much… bills still cant stop the run, and offense didn’t do anything at all on the first series

I saw the last 1:34. They switched over at the end of the Pit vs. B-more game. Pretty sweet ending too!

it actually was a decent game

repost on the scoreboard.

The Bills dont decide the blackout rule…thats the NFL…Quit being upset about stupid things…it affects everyone who earns a paycheck and I dont see anyone else complaining too much. Because if you wanna get real serious I dont wanna pay school taxes when I dont have kids yet.


wow and they actually won.

atleast the sabres gmae is gonna be on :slight_smile:


Pretty good article about the fight against it…

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Former state senator Richard Dollinger of Rochester, who served in Albany from 1992 to 2002, led a petition drive that garnered more than 20,000 signatures to repeal the NFL’s blackout rule.
He was moved by the many elderly and disabled Buffalo Bills fans he represented, including a 76-year-old woman with arthritis.

“Her home was a shrine to the Bills. She took her bent fingers and signed the petition,” Dollinger recalls. “This is what she lived for, to watch the Bills on Sunday afternoon on TV.”

When Dollinger, now a judge, drove to Buffalo to present his petition to Bills officials, however, “I think it’s fair to say I was rebuffed.”

He says he also went nowhere when trying to debate then NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue. Providing public funds to NFL teams for stadium and some operational costs becomes even more controversial when taxpayers aren’t guaranteed seeing every home game on TV because of the blackout rule. The Bills received a $95 million aid package in 1998 and are in talks for an additional $20 million in stadium improvements.

There is no talk of ending the blackout rule.

“Most people agreed in the 1999-2000 period that the blackout rule no longer served a purpose,” Dollinger says. "This was a TV sport now and people wanted to watch it on TV. I’m not criticizing the Bills, I just never quite understood how everybody seemed so content with government financing big-time sports and then telling my constituents, all the senior citizens, these longtime fans paying the taxes, they can’t watch all the games on TV.

“It was an outrage. I just wonder how long America will keep ponying up huge amounts of money for civic entertainment to private companies making money.”

Bills treasurer Jeffrey Littmann calls NFL teams “public-private partnerships” and says everybody has a stake in the Bills surviving.

“We want everybody to be able to watch at home,” Littmann says. “The reality is that the blackout rule does work and long term, if you don’t have a sold-out building, you won’t have a good program. As much as it hurts from time to time to not have those games on local TV, it’s all part of maintaining a healthy franchise.”

Dollinger doesn’t dispute that helping keep the Bills in western New York was important, but he still feels that NFL teams that take public funds have a moral obligation to give back.

“I said it then and I say it now, it’s sports socialism,” Dollinger says. “I would suggest that the Bills aren’t the worst offenders. Nonetheless, we plunked down $95 million seven years ago. People always told me, ‘You shouldn’t get the Bills games for free.’ Well, we don’t get them for free. We paid $95 million.”

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who has spearheaded efforts to get the Bills more revenue sharing so their long-term future is secure in wake of a new and costly labor contract, did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

I have no problem with the NFL blackout rule. And I can even understand the tax money going toward keeping the Bills here. But if you’re going to use tax money there should be a requirement that all games are available to anyone who pays taxes.

And don’t bring up school taxes. I don’t think anyone can argue that having money for schools doesn’t benefit everyone. Having kids or not doesn’t matter because the population as a whole is better off with a good education. Besides that, the schools are available to everyone paying taxes, just like the games should be.

Not a real big deal to me either way, but I know there were a lot of people who would have liked to watch the game today. Me, I gave up on the Bills already this season. To me following them is pretty pointless when they have very little chance of making the playoffs. By some miracle if they win out and sneak in, I’ll hop back on the bandwagon and watch, but since I find that very unlikely it seems like a big waste of time to spend 3 hours every weekend watching them.

Alright, 2 straight W’s…Here we come playoffs lol

I agree, but it is part of a contract that if a game doesn’t sell out that it won’t be televised. No lawyer can really contest it.

We all must keep in mind that the NFL and its franchizes are all part of an evil corporation, like Wal-mart or Nike.

God I hate football.

haha… lose the rest of the season and draft a good quarterback

I wouldn’t have minded Brady Quinn.

I think lines are needed more than a new qb

It’s all about the O-line in the 1st round in this upcoming draft!

Fixed that for ya. cause stopping the run really doesn’t fall on the backs of the O line very often

yeah new offensive and defensive lines are a must, they suck

Hockey is better anyway… :stuck_out_tongue:

you know how we know your gay…