Bings Meet Pics!

post em here. i wanna see what you got guys. will was hanging out my car all the time snappin em, so DONT SLACK!
and the videos :slight_smile:

I saw enough people with video cameras when we were leaving so I expect to see some nice videos :smiley:

Everyone who posts on youtube put SON 2008 in the title lol, i wanna be able to see em all. Ill post my vids and photos soon. I got some nice videos out of the sunroof lol

haha i got pictures out of the sunroof :smiley: im working on them as we speak

I demand pics now!


Man you guys are little pansies, photographers take time. I took 1500 pics this weekend, you think i’m gonna rush editing for a bunch of son’lings who don’t pay!

I do wanna see how the meet went though, it will take a few days for the pics to start showing up.

i barely took any photos, just some samples to keep people waiting… just post a few and it will fill up fast enough,

anyone have any good shots of sponge bob fonz

I love this picture! What a awesome cruise that was.

Mine are here:

I had a HUGE piece of dirt hit the lens so there is a nasty black spot on the photos but oh well them’s are the breaks.

DISCLAIMER: If you dont want your licence plate showing I can pull your photo. I just dont have the time to edit 80 photos.

Lastly, if you want a hi-rez photo please pm me and Ill send it to you.

Nice looking pics, what lense/camera are you using?

dam wish i had gone

haha someone actually took a picture of my car.

cant wait for the pics to start rolling in, especially when people were taking pictures from the middle of the road when we pulled over for a few minutes and I couldn’t see the end of the line from the back when it went around the corner. epic.

Camera is a Canon 5D, lenses used were 16-35, 70-200. Photos werent edited whatsoever. What you see is what I pulled off the camera.

Oh and anyone wanting to see the 751x500 sized photos in flicker just click on the all sizes button. They seem to downsize them.

Any recommendations for a good lense for a 20D. I am looking for a mid range lense, I have a smaller Sigma(17-35 I think) right now I am borrowing but no auto focus makes it hard sometimes. The 16-35 lense maybe a little small I think I am looking for something either 17-35 or 20ish - 70ish all around lense.

Here are a few I took, ill post the rest of the pics and two vid’s later when I have time.

I had the 28-105 USM II for my 20D. I think its the best all around lens period. You can’t beat Canon glass. And i was fuckin durable, dropped a couple times and spilled a glass of beer on it and it still rocked.

Meet looked badass, some really clean cars being done up.

does this car live in burlington?

Sick pics! ill upload mine when i get home later on

Mississauga/Oakville, he lives down the street from me haha