
Wow nothing is going right for this game:

I screwed up my knee wakeboarding last Thursday so by Dr’s orders I’ve been spending a lot of time on the couch with my feet up. Since I was stuck there like that I decided I might as well do some gaming. Honestly wifey… I don’t have a choice in the matter. :wink:

4 straight hours of this game on Sunday and I have to say all the reviews are spot on about it being “shooter 2.0”. This game is simply amazing. I reached the garden last night and spent some time just wandering around marveling at the detail. Probably the best game out on the 360 right now.

I beat the game while rescuing all the little sisters. Small spoiler below

I will have to try it again in asshole mode because the last level of the game could not have happened if you killed the girls so there has to be 2 outcomes and if there isnt, the game makes no sense at all…

Oh and definitely use the camera alot. Make sure you research every splicer, big daddy and little sister. even security cameras and stuff. If you find somewhere to buy film buy all you can carry.

still havent beat it yet… just finished arcadia

I <3 the chamelion plasmid

oh, and you know the level where you have to go into the morgue? (the part when the steam fills the room) The dude in the surgical mask standing behind you scared the ever loving shit out of me.

and is there a point to harvesting the little sisters? I don’t seem to really have any problems with adam (not having enough atleast).

also, look around thuroughly… in the 3rd level I believe, I had rescued all the little sisters and saved/quit playing.

sure as shit… next time I started playing again, I saw a little sister and big daddy walking around. I read on the 2K forums that someone else also spotted this so not sure if it’s a bug or if it’s intentional.

I have no idea but i got xbox live achievements for rescuing all the little sisters so who knows… I really want to try the game again only harvesting though.

i wish i had a damn HD TV to play this bitch on

lol ^ sorry i cant help you with that


lol ^ sorry i cant help you with that


it’s okay, i know you would if you could :mamoru:

im finally gonna crack into this tonight, im pumped :hugenerdomgwtfloserxboxfag:

I traded it in. Actually they were gonna give me $30 for it, so I was going to keep it, but some guy offered me 45 in the store. Had a $50 gift card and a couple other games too, and ended up getting the 360 racing wheel for $15 bucks.

I thought it was really good, great in every way, but too short.

cod4: modern warfare beta FTW now anyways. Bio…what???


I traded it in. Actually they were gonna give me $30 for it, so I was going to keep it, but some guy offered me 45 in the store. Had a $50 gift card and a couple other games too, and ended up getting the 360 racing wheel for $15 bucks.

I thought it was really good, great in every way, but too short.

cod4: modern warfare beta FTW now anyways. Bio…what???


Too short? I heard it was like 20 hours. Thats long for a shooter.

I wish it had a timer to see how long you’ve played. I think I am on about 7 hours right now and I am at Arcadia.

I finished it in about 12 hours on medium.

I can’t help but think if the game disk had more storage, it would have been a longer game.

I wonder if they’ll be releasing a SDK/editor for it

although, they haven’t made the PC crowd very happy lately. Especially with the securom/activation BS


I finished it in about 12 hours on medium.

I can’t help but think if the game disk had more storage, it would have been a longer game.


If you beat it in 12 hours I can pretty much guarantee you missed a ton of hidden stuff.


I finished it in about 12 hours on medium…


Thats not too bad.


I can’t help but think if the game disk had more storage, it would have been a longer game.




If you beat it in 12 hours I can pretty much guarantee you missed a ton of hidden stuff.


Also true. I take a good ten minutes searching rooms. You find all kinds of good stuff looking behind pallets, stairs, in piles of stone, frozen in ice, etc.

shameful plug for the ps3 I know. But hey it’s true.


shameful plug for the ps3 I know. But hey it’s true.


Nothing shameful about it. I love mine.

i just beat it a little while ago on medium good game but the ending was not as hard as i thought it was goin to be

Sooooo good,I got it for the PC and it runs really smooth.Great visuals and gameplay.
