Dead Space

My wife picked it up for me today. Played for a little over an hour and WOW, graphics looks amazing, the lighting effects are some of the best I have ever seen and its nice a twisted.

It seriously is a mix of Resident Evil 4 meets The Thing meets Alien.

I will update when I beat it.

I beat it twice this morning already.

EDIT: Nevermind. You were talking about the game.

:clap: lol

The commercial for this looks great, but the graphics did not look too good in the snippet I saw.

How is the story line???


Graphics are great, the lighting effects are what get me the most. And so far the story line is top notch.

Theres no multiplayer and they say it take over 12 hours to beat. Which is not too bad for a shooter. I think I will like this game as much as I like BioShock.

how is it so far? It seems pretty creepy…

Gears of war 2 is out also

probably thanks to this guy :lol:

Pretty creepy, my wife likes to watch me play certain games because she says its like watching a movie such as GOW, HALO and BIOSHOCK.

I like how they increase the difficulty on the enemies as the game goes on, there are times where I have to play the same board 6 or 7 times because of the difficulty, which is what I like.

As fo the story, its really good my only gripe with it is the concept of his GF which so far could easily be erased from the game and you wouldn’t even notice.

Again, if you like BIOSHOCK and RE4 you will like this game.

dammit now im going to have to DL this

Just read a decent article about the game, and told my boyfriend we should pick it up. I’m really interested in their “fear level” concept, where depending on certain things that are visible to your character, the “fear level” goes up or down and affects the game’s soundtrack. There is not an actual gauge anything, it just affects the sounds you hear. Pretty cool.

Okay, just went out and bought it. Gonna play here shortly.

Even the girl at Gamestop was like “Um… are you going to play this, or are you buying for someone?” I told her my boyfriend and I were going in halves for it. She said “Don’t play it with the lights off.”

Well that just screams “buy me” right there.

Eh, played it last night and it wasn’t THAT bad. There were definitely some moments where I was shrieking because I could hear the damn thing but I could figure out on what side of me he was… but it would end in laughing and joking about “I has fear!” The boyfriend wasn’t too good at playing and was too jumpy, so he made me play. Finished Chapter 1 and called it a night because the coffee I drank at 11pm was making me sick, lol.

These are great when they take advantage of surround sound too.

Its a great game and the sound is amazing!! Btw you can download a free Level 5 elete armor suit with all open inventory slots on xbox live till 10/29

Thats what I did, it unlocks all the inventory slots. Kinda cheap but whatever.

Shucks, no xbox live.

Just beat it, took me about 11 hours. Def in the top 10 best games I have ever played. The setting and the mood def make it worth buying. Its been a long time since a game can make me jump like this one can.

I’m not going to spoil it or anything.

Fuck. I’m going to have to go buy this this weekend.
