Mass Effect 3


I got it. It’s coming tomorrow. I never even played the first or second, but the downloadable demo with multiplayer pretty much sold it.

Anyone else been playing this?

Fuck. I totally wasn’t going to buy a game until Borderlands 2 came out.



I was going to DL this to see what it was all about… I don’t have the time though, lol.

I have been at half-mast for about a month because of this game…

At least play 2 first!

Haven’t played 1 or 2.

Will be playing 3.

No fucks were given.

Never played 1 or 2 but 3 looks fucking badass. Might need to upgrade the rig in order to play this.

I’ve played both 1 and 2. At least read the wikipedia pages for the story line lol.

I was actually thinking about playing 2 after I posted that :lol:

The demo for this was ridiculous. I can’t wait.

Never played 1 or 2, dl’d the demo for 3 and thought it was terrible. Graphics were sick, but I was bored about 5min into it. Just not my thing I guess.

They need to work on some things like, not being able to run and aim at the same time…

also there are major issues with taking cover and leaving cover, especially when there is an action (revive, deactivate, activate, etc) near a place where you can take cover.

This game is good. Multiplayer is good. The free gift gun for preordering doesn’t work in multiplayer, those assholes.

Played a bit of the demo. It’s fun, but Battlefield 3 has definitely spoiled my appetite for graphics quality. This game just looks so average in comparison.

I just bought 1 and 2.
I played all of 1 and then 50% of 2 before my xboxs hard drive died.
Figured I’d play them again and pick the 3rd up used later.

I love Mass Effect! Played about 75%of 1, and all of 2. The cool thing about 2 was that your character info from 1 would carry over to 2. Hopefully 3 is the same way.

I caved, most of the way through the first game now, glad I did it. It was only $5 on amazon.

screen shots? whats it all about for the lazy

on to ME2… and way to change everything from ME1. WTF. At least keep the same default key binds, jeeze.

Tell me I don’t have to do this stupid fucking planet scanning for minerals shit in 3.

i have no idea, i still don’t have more than an hour into the single player campaign lol