So who's buying crackdown tomorrow?

I am as I failed on the previous 2 attempts at getting into the beta

I hope this game has SOME sort of value after the beta is all over with…i hope i hope i hope :meh:

I’m getting it tomorrow. Should be pretty good. I like the demo

I was going to get it even if it didn’t came with the beta.

i was debating, i just beat saints row and gears of war and now need another new game to play :slight_smile:

Rainbow 6? (and if you do have it/i’ve played against or with you sorry for not recognizing lol)

I would but i am in the middle of saints row and dont want to get tied up in another game.

lol, its more like buying the halo3 beta and getting crackdown as a bonus…at least for the majority of the world…

nah I never liked Halo at all (not many people say that :meh:) and im good with RB6V right now

no i don’t have rainbow 6, those games sometimes were over complicated for my taste, planning out the missions and what not…maybe i’ll rent it and check it out…

I also just set up my live yesterday and it’s awsome!!! even though i get my ass kicked lol

got it. I will not be playing h3 tonight becuase I pick up my wife at the airport from spain and I need some good quality time…

…watching the Sabres game lol.

lol, the beta doesnt start until march or april skrappaaaaaaaa

you just bought the right to have it when it does start :stuck_out_tongue:

Get it the multiplayer is unreal.

I really liked the demo. The jumping ability power ups were cool. I like the feeling of jumping 30feet straight up and then jumping roof top to roof top.

u see the video where the guy jumps to the roof of the highest building in the city in the demo? fucking unreal…

I did not but that sounds cool. I also like the ability to pick up cars and just start flinging them.

hmm i havent heard too much about this game, i needs to go check out some trailaz

DL the demo on Live.

Played online for a few minutes this am… it is a fun game. The controls are a little touchy and the movement of the character is uncoordinated at times… Graphics are neat… but i think the game would have been better if it wasn’t cellshading. Otherwise fun so far.

Hey suckaz! I went and rented this game…had mixed thoughts before…play it and I fuggin love it! I played the game for 8hrs. yesterday and played it for 4hrs. today. The gradual power ups are cool it keeps the game fun and keeps u wanting more. I have my jumping and strength abilities almost maxed. Its nuts…my gf thought it was cool when I first started and she saw it today and was like w…t…f!!! Some times it gives u that feeling like youre really falling its crazy! Another cool thing is the “bases”. If u pick up a cool weapon from a bad guy, go to ur base, it’ll save it for you…its DEF. something to do first.
On the negative note…it ~does~ get a bit repeatative. There’s a boss with tons of easy guys to kill to get to him/her. I have more fun jumping on/over stuff and powering up.

Oh also…its like GTA San Adreas where when u increase strength and such, ur character’s~characteristics change. DEF. cool! This game is what some of u guys would call…“The Secks”.

A big hint for youz, when u beat the first area…I think…4 bosses…the bad guys die down to almost nothing. At that point collet as many of the green “agility” tokens as u can. Also stack up ur weapons.

Have Fun!!

ALSO, I’d be down for some multiplayer if any of u guys wanna play…aaand if we can co-op with me having my levels almost filled I’d be a hell of a big brother…lol