Everyone wish Sammy a Happy Birthday!! :grouphug: :itr41: :itr41:
So when do I get my birthday smacks from u?
happy b-day Sam!
Happy Birthday!
but she got the BOYpart right!!! :idb:
happy b-day sam… what are you now? 17-18???
Happy B Day !!!
happy birthdAY
happy birthday asshole
Happy Birthday Sammy
this thread sucks
thanks guys
happy birthday Sam!!!
so does randy to the b-day boy!!! :idb:
Happy Bday!
happy birthday Sam!!
happy birthday sammy boy
take him to yuppies for his birthday!!!
Happy birthday sam
there throwing himk a BIG party!!! :mullet:
tell sam not to bend over in front of them…he will get a birthday surprise
happy birthday fag