Boosted ITR41

Happy Birthday



happy birthday sammy

Happy birthday

happy birthday

happy bday!

Happy Birthday Sammy!

happy happy joy joy :beer:

happy birthday sammy

whoo it’s your birthday pussy!

Happy Birthday!!!

to the birthday boy who slept in the car outside the bar 1/2 the nite while Kolar,
Jay, and I pound shots… sammy… u bastard… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

thanks all

Happy Burfday lil buddy!

Sam the hoe doctor!!! Happy B-day…

thanks to everyone. I will be at red dawgs tonight to have a few if you all want to come out. for all the homos that like football they have 2 brand new HD TV screens on the wall that are movie theater sized for sports crap. probably drink specials too

Happy Birthday Sammy

happy b-day

Happy Birthday Sam!