Bitcoin Android Flaw

Not sure if anyone is into Bitcoins here but if you use an Android device and have your Bitcoin wallet on there, you need to move your coins out until there is an update.

No way the random number generator wasn’t random enough.

Lol silly Android.

a flaw in a computer? You don’t say

Random number generation has caused so many issues over time with applications

does anybody on here have bitcoins? what do you use them for?

You can convert them to cash?

Or buy drugs, guns, or other ground stuff with a semi untraceable currency

This the nerdiest shit I’ve ever heard of.

I like my real money, this star wars imperial credit shit is dumb.

So an all electronic currency for illegal goods? What could go wrong there?

I’ll stick to cash for my less than legit purchases :slight_smile:

pretty sure its a java API and not android

Do you understand how bitcoin works? its pretty much untraceable

---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

Yes it was pretty lame when bitcoin went from $15USD -> $200USD a couple months ago

oh wait


my original questions stands… I don’t want to know what you can do with it… I’m curious is anybody here is doing stuff with it apart from trading on value like it’s a stock.

I use them quite a bit and working to get more business involved with them. Lots of web sites and services use them. I pretty much hold money in Bitcoins as they are pretty low right now and as more and more countries adapt and the creation of larger funds for bitcoins, the demand will increase quite a bit.

As for now, I leave it invested in some gambling sites making about 5% return a week or buying stocks in mining pools that pays decent dividends and increases.

I liked in April when it was down to $60 per coin after it crashed from $250 and then it went back up to $180 in a few days. Suck it stock market.

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

Java isn’t an API. It is a library that Android apps are built on.

Online stores accept them as payment

obviously I’m aware of that.

If you wanna buy Bitcoin, CoinBase is the easiest. Have used it for some bar tabs in NYC and take away from the dealing with transaction fees aspect of Bitcoin. Can link your bank account and easily to deposits/sends/recieves/widthdrawls

I’m obviously not wasting my time with looking this up.

What is the value based on?

Same thing that US money is based on…nothing?

It is a crypto based currency. Built and verified with encryption algorithms that verify everyone transaction on the network. Each transaction is passed around the network to be verified and anonymous. No bank. Just grows until a max value set in the system. Because people are using it to buy things, it now has value in fiat currencies. Good thing with this is there is no bone head agency that can speak to the public and cause the value of it to crash.

There is also local exchanges where you can buy coins in cash from people.

you know what i meant though, I personally wouldn’t call it an android problem when its from the java library but to each his own i guess