Severely got my ass handed to me in a game of cat and mouse today. I thought it was a cobra but I didn’t notice the rear bumper. it damn, this thing moved nice, he took turns at 80 that I could barely take at 55. I seriously thought I’d round the next turn and see him in a ditch, that’s how fast it was. If it wasn’t for this slow ass impala a mile ahead I’d have never caught up. I really wish I coulda got a better look at this car, it was sweet as hell. dark ass windows, what looked like chrome svt wheels, and it was clean as fuck.
]But…but…ur N/A…thats y…LOL:)
what do you honestly expect? your a NA GP
and dont post locations
location gone, except for the quote
I didn’t expect it to handle so damn good really, I’m too used to pickin on ricers, this was a huge wake up call
Must have been one of those sooper dooper five point slows
was it stupid loud ? ?
that’ll narrow things down, the super loud black mustang
it was running. so that takes one super loud black mustang out of the equation.
nah, sounded good though, definitely not loud at all. whoever it was could drive like nothing I’ve ever seen lol
Congrats you got pulled on by a Vee Sixer :bowrofl:
i guess wider isnt better.
its good to hear of a car that is fast and can handle decent too!
i was gonna say if it was stupid loud, i know the kid and its realllyy fast…he got i believe str8 pipes on it…
if you were takin those turns at 55 and him at 80, then i’d do them at 100 and probly pull on straights too:)
you just had the wrong Pontiac, man:hsdance:
what? i guess your not into the whole handling thing? lol :bigthumb:
was about the fast thing with shaggy saying it was a v6