Black Friday Sales?

I’ve heard of a few sales going on but I was just trying to get a feel for what else other people have heard or know about. I’m looking at possibly picking up a few things this day including surround sound, a new tv, and a PS3. Is there anyone else on here planning on venturing out in the morning? I’ll just be getting off work and figure before I head to bed I would check some stores out.

Pretty sure Price Chopper will be having a sale on Turkeys.

No way do I venture out in that mess, people GET TRAMPLED! :ahh

People stomping on one another for a good deal on a TV that they have 2~4 in stock? no thanks.
I heard LCD TVs are going for dirt cheap though if you decide to freeze your nuts early in the morning

I freeze my nuts off all night at work so another couple hours outside won’t bother me.

More power to you then :rofl

TVs and blu ray players are supposed to be the hot items this year. Games are every year. That link I put has all the currently leaked ads.

Cyber Monday for electronic dealz! Or just go online super early on black friday if you see a sweet deal, that’s what we usually do before we head out to the stores- plus you don’t have to lug a TV or any other big electronic item through the crowds to your car…

I wish Macbooks went on sale :banghead

My dell suckss

All you need to know

Just look at any of the big stores online adds. I’m looking to buy a TV and will definetly do it online. It’s so much easier even if it costs a couple more bucks.