Like the title states, black metal frame, has the black cushion. And an extra. in decent shape.
It use to be my dogs personal couch. but was always covered with a sheet. But just got her a nice chair and she never used the futon anymore.
first come first serve.
complete with love stains? lol
i will take it if /\ he doesnt
If their is stains there from my older brother i got it from him cleaned it then my dog used it ever since.
I will keep everyone updated.

You basterd, I don’t think this will fit in the spot I have cleared out down at the garage… damit!
Like you need anything else in their. lol.
LMFAO, thats not even your house, nor a picture of the actual item, you should put a disclaimer in there, (not actual item) HA
It is the same style. Just without the knuckle children. lol.
anyone take this yet? i need a couch for the garage
If 95dime doesn’t take it PM me and I will come grab it.
its here. need it gone by this weekend.
wow nobody took this yet. Thats crazy
maybe if i pit it on here for 50 bucks i would get lowballed for 20 and someone will take it. lol.