Black people doing gymnasitics at a kids playgroud

WTF will they invent next?


those dudes are fuggin strong

LOL…monkey bars…LOL

read all of the comments for the video

can tell some people spent some time behind bars…

that takes some serious strength/stamina

wow… thats all i got







urban gymnastics hunh…

This may be the gayest video black people have ever thrown “soulja boy” into

I dont even know what to day…:lol:

wow, some of that stuff takes some serious strength

That’s pretty wild isht.

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:5,topic:39061"”]

can tell some people spent some time behind bars…


was just going to say that first dude has DEF been to prison.

the only thing that was impressive to me was the lat bars. the shit on the chin up bars doest ake as much strength as the video conveys, theres alot of momentum that you can use to your advantage.

As impressive as that is, Olympic gymnists are far more impressive.

I was thinking the same thing. I would like to see a little 100 pound Asian walk into that neighborhood and show them niggas up.

thats raw

context is what makes it interesting. these aren’t people wearing spandex in a gymnasium that costs a ton of money for membership getting coached by people who like like chris katan in those SNL skits