this dude is STRONG

semi nws due to music

Holy shit.

Shit is bananas.

he is dreamy


…yea, i been to prison

rediculous… holy crap

that is muscle control if ive ever seen it.

holy shit. i would not want to mess with that guy.

+1. That is what we call a jail house workout.

I wonder how many thousand pushups that guy can do

just because he is strong as hell doesn’t mean he knows how to fight.
but god damn none of that stuff looks possible. got steroids?

He is probably a gymnist.

you want strong. this is sheer strength.

lol @ that dude needing a calculator.

Lean and dense muscle. Damn im jaleous. if i had to choose between his “jailhouse style” workout routine and a gym, id take the jailhouse style workout. Obviously its working for the home skillet.

Dam. That mofo just pressed my car.

yeah I could squat 480…but yeah thats just a little past my limit lmfao.

Squat, as in holding the bar with a total of 480 across your shoulders as you do the squat, or leg press as in what this guy just did?

i kept thinking he was going to lift those bars out of the ground. lol

damn i wanna go work out now. tomorrow night def

squat as in bar across the shoulders. cant anymore, bad knees (wonder why) lol. hell in hs we had a leg press machine that went to 390lbs and I could do it 37 times with 1 leg. I’ve always had rediculously freakish strong legs. Dont forget, I landscaped since I was 13. 80% of the lifting is in your legs, even shoveling. To this day they are still jacked as fuck and huge, I cant wear regular jeans comfortably. I always wear carpinter jeans. Ask Choda if you don’t believe me. We were in wrestling together for a few years back in HS.