Woohoo I still got it!

Me and my buddys were in the weight room at GCC and I bet them I had more leg strength than any of them (can’t bench cuz of shoulder so thats all I can do). The highest one of them put up was 800 lbs on the leg press 6 times…I then did 700 lbs 12x, 800 lbs 12x and 1000 lbs 5x. Needless to say I’m hurtin right now…but fuckin A, I was proud of myself considering I dont work out at all. 7 years of landscaping done me good lol. I gotta start workin out…I’ll be a beast lol.

The machine is an air-pressure hydrolic resistance machine, I dont know what that equals in real weight…but damn.

Its a good thing you drive an fbod, because any other car would explode with such a burly dude behind the wheel…

coming soon the “jegs got a hernia” thread, but really damn thats pretty impressive way to man up an show whos the shit


lol…my nut does feel alittle sore. My hamstrings are alittle sore and after I was done I like couldnt walk lol. But I shut them up. Pss tellin me I couldnt beat em cuz i don’t work out as much as they do HA! 7 years of pushing wheelbarrows > gym.



:lol: it sucked when I was a kid and just started landscaping, But I really dont mind the physical labor, I actualy rather enjoy it. I would much rather run soil all day than rake leaves or weed. I cant stand doing cleanups. Give me a nice renevation planting anyday.

oh wow, next time i see you remind me to give you a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie and a gold star!

you sure deserve it!


you are an idiot… if you don’t do those weights regularly you are seriously gonna hurt yourself for life… you don’t have to prove you are stronger than your friends

See how much you can squat, if you can do more than 400lbs for those reps, I will be impressed. Half squats don’t count either, thighs have to be parallel with the floor.

I use to squat 440 in HS when I was in wreslting. There was a really nice bar set up there, the bar was free, but was set up so there were these pegs you could put up so if you lost it, the bar didint come down and kill you. I use to go on the leg press machine and pump out the stack (395lbs) 30+ times with 1 leg at a time. Don’t believe me ask Choda.

Yeah I’m sore as hell right now lol.

How about your lower abdomen, because that is where the bulge is going to pop out.

At least his friends respect him now.

Did you beat your chest when you were done?

seriously man… becareful with heavy weights… you’ll really hurt yourself

Duh :ham: lol

enjoy soreness for the next day or 2…

i love leg day :slight_smile:

I love leg day at Wild Wings. Shit, it’s wednesday!
<-Goes to get 50 cent legs…

Mmmmm Legs…uhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh

ugh, i have a junior HS student who thinks like you.

i am serious

if you ever move to the eastern coast of NC, expect to see him at a dr’s app’t