the Actual Work-Out thread

The last week’s nice weather has reminded me just how close spring is. I’ve started a workout regimine that I got from my army/nat guard buddy. I just use the basic small gym we have here at the (dannybrook) apts.

It’s a basic 10, 8, 6, [3] rep workout. You do the x10 rep at one machine, switch to another machine for x10, then finally back to do x8.

eg.; on bench press, I start at 125 and do 10. Then I do other things, come back and do 8 reps at 135, then I do more things come back and do 145 x 6. More things, come back, and I go for the max weight I can do which is 175, x3.

Just do the same rep amount for anything, like freeweights, leg curls, row machine, those knee up ab things, whatever your normal routine has. Increase your starting weight - and therefor your max weight - as often as you can. Personally I get in shape for a small fightnight event some friends do, so I include the punching bag in my routine. Same thing, 10 low kicks, 8 waist heigh, 6 max height. etc etc blah blah blah.

So what does everyone else do? And any gym recommendations? I used Planet Fitness on sheridan for a summer once, but their hours were weird.

I just do some push-ups, sit-ups and Pilates every morning to get me waked up before I shower. Not much but its better than nothing and gets all mes blood flowing.

I stick a plunger to the bottom of the tub and do squats over it…

Bleeding asshole sometimes… but my quads are fucking SOLID

I used to do endurance training, where you focus more on your form and reps than weight.

For example, 2 sets of 40 flys using 20 lb dumbells.
Or, walking lunges 20lb dumbells in each hand, and get your knee 2 inches from the ground. Do the room length X4 and you should feel a burn.

I started working out at Best Fitness back in November and have packed on a ton of muscle and haven’t gained a pound. I still can’t see my abs :jays: but I haven’t been disciplined in my eating at all. Plus if I’m getting bigger and not gaining any weight then I must be losing fat. All in due time…

Just doing 5x5 of various things. Bench, dead lifts, squats, lat pull downs, low rows, dips, inclined bench, a row/pullup type of thing where I put a bar from a smith machine 3’ off the ground, get under it, keep my back straight and do pullups, military press. Just whatever I feel like. If I have to be disciplined and stick to a schedule I’m not interested, so I just get myself to the gym and then do whatever I feel like, trying to keep things varied.

Then I go home and have a protein smoothie.

ILC and civicjim should get married and have retarded babies. If history has taught us anything it’s that, the stupider a couple is the more children they have. If that formula is correct, ILC and civicjim will have enough offspring to declare them a national fuel source. We can take said offspring and use their natural fat deposits (babies have lots of fat, especially retarded ones) as an accelerant. We can take normal wood fires and add these ilcivic babies to them, making them hot enough to boil water in huge tanks. The steam from these tanks can be used to turn turbines and create electricity, and lower all of our electric bills that are so high because of NYC.

ilcivic baby



cheap electric bills

Word Fry, eating whatever you want + solid workout schedule rules. Otherwise you feel like you’re on a “diet” for your whole life.

Anyone have any tips on how to gain more weight? I have a fast metabolism and I can’t ever seem to break 145. I’ve got a big tub of whey protein here somewhere but it just tastes so bad :frowning:

You and your amazing army/nat guard body… I’d rather fuck you. Civicjim isn’t manly enough for me


im up to benching 115 now for 10 reps. putting on some serious muscle


What’s wrong with doing push-up and sit-ups and soem core and streaching in the morning? I don’t gots a lot of time and it helps me maintain wut little muscle I have.

You know what? I think you like posting rude responses to every one of my posts. You are a mean person and I think you have issues with yourself, so you bash me cuz it makes you feel better about who you are. You are nothing but a bully!

SIQ, does the Bench start on fire too?

that only happens when he hits VTEC at 116 lbs

yEa because when i was muscling it up i squeezed out a nasty fart. burned the rim

I run 4 miles a day 4 days a week. Sometimes 5 depending on free time.

Speaking of farting … I was doing the leg press the other day and when I brought it all the way down I let out a gnarly fart. I got funny looks. I finished my reps though.

Holy shit, that’s pretty epic. I get gassed after ten minutes, running in my booootz. Do you run outside? I’d love to run in winter but the cold air is such a bitch.

proteeeeinnn, muscleee milk!!! o yeahh

Fuck that lol. Gym membership = inside running with TV and ESPN lol.

im still fat though.

actually i haven’t been in the gym for 3 months… initially because end of the semester was kicking my ass, but then because i got lazy. i am starting tomorrow though, because i want to get 2 full weeks in before i head to daytona. then ill be back solid again (i hope)… goal is to bench 300 by summer time and just be in good shape