Gym goers... best food Pre-gym

I’m talking people who go to the gym who do a mixture of muscle building,stretching and cardo…what do you usually eat before you head out to the gym?

I try not to eat a ton so that i’m not sick, but enough to give me energy to run 2 miles and still lift.

I usually make a big bowl of pasta, and a smoothie (strawberrys,banana,vanilla yogurt and some kind of protien mix)

let’s hear your pre work out meals…

I think its more important to have a decent carb meal after the gym…

Aren’t you a 21 year old kid? You have trouble running 2 miles and lifting without carbo loading beforehand?

I eat a normal meal about 2 hours before i go to the gym. I try to stay around 40%carbs 40%protein and 20%fat. I am not very strict with what i eat though to be honest. I make a shake with creatine, WMS(waxy maize starch)(this is just carbs), and whatever drink mix i prefer and drink it during and after my workout. About 15 min after i hit up some whey protein about 50ish grams. Finally about 1-2 hours after i make sure to eat another meal maintaing aroun the 40/40/20 ratio.

But diet has to be altered for if you are gaining(bulking) or losing(cutting) weight. So what are your goals?

Muscle milk, its the only thing i can take in before a workout thats gives an energy boost that i need without getting sick throughout the workout.

I’ve found that if I eat or drink pretty much anything before I go to the gym, I get some nasty cramps running. I’m ok lifting for the most part, but when I start doing my running I notice that I cramp up pretty bad, usually I try and run through it, but sometimes its pretty hard. I usually try and go with a good protein meal after and a lot of water to re-hydrate myself.

hopefully you are doing weights first running/cardio last

i try to eat an 8oz chicken breast & whole wheat rice an hour b4 the gym and take 50g protien shake immediately after the gym. I dont always have time to cook thats why george forman is your friend

It’s more important that you eat something before you go rather than what you eat immediately before you go. e.g. eat a decent lunch if you do the gym thing after work or eat a balanced dinner before you gym it at night.

:word: im on my 2nd or 3rd George Foreman Grill…I make food all the time on that thing its a great investment!

I eat a regular meal about an hour and a half before the gym. I take SP250 (A little less than 1 scoop) about 45 mins before the gym, and sip on some SizeOn about 10 minutes before the gym. When I’m done at the gym I pound a protein shake and eat a meal 20 minutes later.


1.5 hrs before: “Clean” whole food: tunafish sandwich/chicken w/rice etc.
.5 hrs before: Protein shake: ~50g P, 50g low GI carbs (oats)
immediately after: Protein shake: ~50g P, 100g C, 1/2 low GI (oats) 1/2 high GI (dextrose)
1 hr after: “Clean” whole food protein source

edit: Does not include supplemental dosing

I do nothing before, and a protein shake immediately after. my logic is that I want my body to burn fat and not what I just ate / drank. I’m willing to give up a little strength for this.

Homosexuals and their “clean” eating habits. I guess someone has to be gay.

I 100% disagree, but don’t quite feel like arguing… so I hope you enjoy never growing :beer:

Always the gays keeping things nice and tidy!

Bad logic seeing as it takes up to two hours of sustained cardio to actually deplete glycogen stores enough to be “buning fat”. Most of your body recomp is done on the recovery and without proper pre nutrition to give you the fuel you need you are in fact hurting your results including fat burning. Please do not spread this advice.

To do just cardio on an empty stomach is acceptable by some and even that is debatable by most but you should not be lifting in depleated state.

You didnt need to disagree sweetie i was already typing a response. smooches:hay:

haha, well it’s just annoying when people give bad advice or have terrible opinions. it’s one thing to fuck with your own shit, but to cause someone else to fuck up their shit… is not cool

Your body should never be “empty” of food if you want to grow.

Oh i forgot to add that i take 20-30grams of protein preworkout about 30min before i go as well. It was something Eric Broser(a natty bber who helped me with my routine) told me to try out and i hav kept it ever since. Also make sure you dont neglect your compuond lifts. I went back to real heavy squats,deads, and bench while bulking and put on some great size.

Word, it’s all about the legs biatch! ( if you want to grow that is )