Meat heads and Fitness BROS I need your assistances

In May I began heavy off season training for Hockey because this year I am getting a bit serious. At the time I was at an ok body weight for my size and frame but wanted to lose fat and replace the fat with muscle. I began with hockey specific work outs which work perfect for me. They are low weight, tons of reps for any kind of lifting then a lot of plyometrics and workouts that are super high intensity for a very short amount of time.

I started my routine taking ripped fuel stuff ( I have no idea about supplements and just wanted to try something to cut some of the fat). It worked great as I kept working I gained muscle and strength and lost my love handles and stomach fat. I loved the energy and focus I gained from it to. I got down to an incredibly fit energetic 162.

Before I got pneumonia last week I was probably in the best shape of my life. I got sick from burning the candle at both ends working from 8 am to 11 pm everyday and then traveling for more work on the weekends and such.

Anyway since I have been sick I lost 11 lbs and was hospitalized at one point. I am recovering now and want to begin my routine again but now I need a supplement that will not continue to cut body fat since I virtually have none to lose at this point. If I lose any more body fat I think I will be pushing unhealthy level. I do still want the something there to feed a healthy lean muscle and provide the higher energy levels I am just not looking for the weight loss aspect. Any suggestions?

dont ask me, i have not a fucking clue about how the human body works, fitness or nutrition.

Umm, protein shakes and lots of clean eating. Chicken/fish/as many veggies as possible, etc…?

ask Ryan. dude is like the under armor mannequin

what about the extra energy though. I have cut out coffee, almost all soda and all energy drinks so I don’t really have anything caffeine wise to pick me up in the mornings now

Why did you cut out coffee? I drink it black, so theres really nothing in it thats “unhealthy”. A small cup would give a nice pick me up.

Drink coffee black and add whey protein in morning instead of sugar and creamer…Worked great for me so far!!!

why do you need cafeine? fresh broccoli, baby spinach and uncooked greens will give u all the nutrition, fiber and antioxidents u need. dont cook it, eat it fresh or u kill everything good about the veggie and results in a harder thing to digest.

I I have a fresh raw greens salad every night with dinner.

I just need something to pick me up in the mornings because I work all day come home relax for an hour or so work out then work in the home office till 11 or 12 every night. I’ve been pretty strung out lately but I need to keep busy because of things that happened at home/personally

false sense of energy. stop tricking your body into thinking there is something there when there isnt. fuck that shit brah

Agreed. Eman, when you were cutting, did you feel much more tired because of the lack of calories? or because it was the right food, not really notice a difference?

you do have a strong point there.

previous to “cutting” i was eating 6000 clean ass cals a day. think about that for a moment and digest it, no pun

during my prep i was eating the exact same foods for the most part, things moved around but the cals were 3200-3400 for 18 weeks. didnt change the diet the entire time besides water intake the last week.

as for engery and feeling better and knowing i was more healthy below the 245 i was at, think about this…i got my gf preggo.

twice a year i get my blood work, and twice a year its perfect. but never have i been able to get someone preggo (for obvious reasons and if u dont know dont ask)

so my energy was great and strengh only went down a hair. for ex i was benching 315 for 10-12 reps incline bench when i was 240+, and a week before my show i was still hitting it for 6 reps

eating what i eat in the offseason is a lot of work and very hard on your body. i shit 3-4 times a day. so when i started to prep my body loved it and responded very well

Eman, you make me want to work out again. Fuck

feeling better, looking better, better health coupled with a great diet…that should be all the motivation u need brother.

I’ve found raw almonds give me a good burst of energy. Good source of protein too.

While im not as well versed as these guys I’ll agree with the flase sense of energy.

Eating Paleo has taught me one big thing, my lack of energy was due to my diet. Cutting out massive ammounts glutton/carbs/starches/sugars and eating meats, fruist and veggies has changed my energy levels completely.

I work in an office all day… By 1-2PM I wanted to pass out, I could have 1 cup of coffe, I could have 6 and a red bull, it did not matter by the mid day I wanted to sleep. I’d get home from work at 5 and just nearly pass out on the couch. Now changing my diet I have energy throughout the day, my concentration is much better and when i get home I don’t mind doing things. I don’t feel completely drained.

It’s been tough for sure. I’ve had a couple days (today being one of them) where I did not plan and had to go get something like a chopped salad from subway as a better option. But I generally eat a few eggs in the morning, big bowl of fruit, have some lunch, some almonds as a snack if I get hungry, ill eat dinner… have some more fruit/veggies…

My body feels like its hungry 24/7 but I feel great, and althought a pain in the as to plan out meals everyday and having to plan so you don’t have to last minute something together… It’s one of the better things I’ve done for myself.

Edit: it may take a bit for your body to get itself on track, but if you can hold out on caffeine eventually youll feel much better. However a black cup of coffee in the morning isnt anything all that terrible for you.

coffee i can never give up though…Esp being a truck driver it helps me stay alert in the wee am hours i work but i also eat a banana right after too!!
Eman congrats on the preggo and you guys can do this…
i started at 225 almost way over weight,changed my diets and habbits and got down to 174 the started putting muscle back on.For me its been a slow process for reasons i wont post on here cause i dont need sympathy…health related not women lol

Ehh it mine as well be the same thing anyways :rofl

You look great Mikey, hoping I can get there too