Meat heads and Fitness BROS I need your assistances

hey now lol

? we can? thanks i think lol

Def a big difference between looking healthy and actually being healthy. I might look like im in good shape but I eat whatever the fuck I want. I still maintain my lean muscle. I mean fuck when I was in the Navy on deployment I would wake up take 3 scoops of Jack3d while I smoked my morning Cigs, then smash the gym haha. I looked fantastic but I was not healthy. But I know what I need to do to eat healthy. On a sidenote I feel like todays bodybuilding has gotten so out of whack. Dont get me wrong Eman you look solid(no homo) but modern bodybuilders look so out of proportion. Massive mid-section, and redic quads. To me Kai Greene, Phil Heath, etc look horrible when compared to Frank Zane, Arnold, Franco. Arnold was the perfect bodybuilder and I would never want to look like any modern IFBB pro.

Ive been bulking up a bit lately and lifting more and heavier.

I just came home from over an hour and a half workout and had a protein shake.

I was 262 at my heaviest before joining the gym over 7 years ago and got down to 208 last summer but the last I checked I was over 240. I decided not to keep checking my weight everyday because I realized I should worry more about shape than weight, like if Im going to bulk up with muscle that’s fine.

Wanna see if you can lift more than me? Im only 190lb 5’9"

I know you can out bench me. You’ve got a more jacked build than I do right now too.

I usually bench 245 without a spotter and 255 with one for 4-6 reps. Benching has never been my best thing.

Ive been adding some weight on other machines lately though.

Im just busting balls anyway. I’m staying off flat bench for the time being. Gonna do dumbbells work on my stabilizers and go higher reps this week. I might even do a week of “German” styling lifting. 10 sets for 10 reps of flat bench, squat, curls, barbell rows. Ive done that before really shock the body.

You would be suprised what you can’t lift at the 10th set.

I usually do a set of 10, a set of 8 and a set of 6 on everything I do.

Today I did back, shoulders and triceps. Yesterday was chest and biceps and tomorrow will be legs.

Pryamid FTW.


modern bodybuilding is just the evolution of the sport, nothing more. i mean 20 years ago 400hp was considered redonkulous, now u can go to just about any local dealership and buy a car with 400+hp. its all relitive. soon humans wont be humans :ninja

Love the analogy man lol. But also very true.

One huge factor that IFBB pros have in there favor is freak genetics. Look at Ronnie Coleman. Dude is a genetic freak. Lots of hard work, dieting, etc but most people in the sport say he was a genetic mystery haha.

not really… yes they may have good genetics…BUTTT i wouldnt say thats a HUGE factor

I would say it is. Genetics play a huge role in how your body responds to workouts and diet. If you wanna get serious roids and modern drugs play a big factor as well for pro bodybuilders but I’m not gonna get into that.

I never said genetics dont play a role in it… but IMO sleep,training,diet and supps are the main reason IFBB pros are the way they are

genetics do more than one would think. i mean when u think about something like for example a horse. a horse can eat hay all day and grow some of the leanest, dencest, most mature, best firing muscle fibers there are known but look at what they eat! hay all fucking day!!! this means their bodies convert this hay into a protein they can use. same as humans just not as wild. hard gainers can and will do just about everything in their will power, and yes can overcome genes, become the best in whatever they choose but someone who can eat frozen bubba burgers all day, molly mcbutter and cheese yet retain and get 8 tittles under his belt…thats pure genetics.

case in point, my pic in the now and then thread. takes me years of hard work to get where i am. others eat like shit and get their pro cards by the age of 21. hormones play a huge part. some can gear up and have the best cleanest receptors in the world and grow like a weed, others can gear up with the same exact shit and not gain an ounce. is the gear bunk? no…some respond well to gear, some great and some fucking amazing.
