deadbeat @ age 18

from this, about 145-150lbs

to now this, 240lbs

i was so skinny! brett and sean will get a crack out of this.

good deal…

Ah ha ha ha ha you were crackhead skinny

gas up.

i was little

Srsly, how much for you to help me move?

umm, something I need to know about clark?

Meat head.

seri if u need halp let me know when and where. as long as im not going away for the weekend or my girl isnt here im game. i work on weekends only.

I’m kidding, not moving, but you da man for offering to help. You are strong like bull.

this and my farts reek of beef and broccoli

protein? Power bars? whats the deal.

muscle milk, arggggggg


no for seri, i eat babies.

babies the other, other white meat

no seriously…how did you go from a scrawny little fucker to someone who looks like a mini hulk?

One word….dedication

u eat babies? Sperm size?? :wink:

I guess! damn. I had a gym membership once, went about 5 times and said fuck it.

y u donating?

I weigh 150 now… I really need to gain some (healthy) weight.

Congrats man.