Blackberry Brickbreaker HiScore thread...

It’s the only video game that i play. I only play it on the shitter.

My best score is a 11,190. I can’t seem to beat it.

I really should just quit, because apparently people are REALLY good at it…

Post your hiscore.

lol, if the derricks only knew how much time ive put into this game.:lol:

Wait until you learn how to cheat, you’ll get double that score every time. No more ‘U’ board.

yeah, it’s the U board that fucks me nearly every time.
i’ve read about the cheat, but i’m only cheating myself, really.


there is a cheat for the fucking U board???!!!

there is a cheat so it skips every other level.

i have spent an enormous amount of time playing this game at the most inappropriate of times.

when the president of the company is lecturing me… brickbreaker

my boss comes into my office… “what are you working on?”

me - “level 5”

when my wife was in labour, i was sitting beside the hospital bed in the lounge chair brick breaking.

— shit actually happened.

my highscore is 30,225.

i just got that score last week or so… it was 25,545 before that.

at all the way up to level 36 or something, then it goes back to level 1 but it goes faster and starts to drop immediately. i got all the way back up to level 26 or something the second time.

It’s best to use a Pearl or any other SureType BB because the screen is taller which gives you an extra line of room. I can’t do shit on my 8800 but the U board was easy on my Pearl.


Bing, your high score makes me want to throw your phone into lake ontario.

i love java games on my blackjack2. great for conference’s and meetings.

Back when I had my 7100 with the scroll wheel, I had a high score of somewhere around 18000. Now with my 8830 and the trackball, I can’t get above 8000. I suck.

I’ll have to check when I get home but I made it around once and got 14 levels into the 2nd time

i just got to lvl 22… 11540pts.

Good game for passing time on the shitter…

Best I have is 9280. I got to shit more.

8703 - 26k
8830 - 14k
8330 - haven’t played…

I get retardedly bored after level 4 or 5. My highscore reflects that…3020

Do you always have your blackberry set to German?

way to suck at reading

“Angehalten”? :gotme:
