Blackberry data plan loop hole

Me too. It’s called a “SIM card” and works on AT&T.


:lol: :run:

I vote for a 1 day ban for LZ for pain and suffering.


Come out tonight I will buy you a beer and some shots…

for the hook up on VZW/BlackBerry

+1 for the ban.

no. I am taking a week off. at least a week.

Why its only a Monday…

Whats the worst that could happen??

Brennans? Then???

its like last week, all over again.

mind pming me the details… ?

i sent you a PM too evolve, lol


:hug: LZ

He is my new favorite person on NYSpeed. /homo

apparently, LZ considers this funny. there is no discount/deal/loophole.

LZ is a fggt.

lz doesnt even have a BB :uhh:

wooooow, what a douche, lol

		 			wooooow, what a douche, lol

seriously. It must be BB envy.

Name one thing your BB can do that my i760 can’t. I’m trying to understand the addiction.

Cause spontaneous homosexual bonding…please see Jeff & Brendan…

BB messenger.