Which is just threaded texting, no? Like an AIM convo? WM6.1 does that too.
The addiction really is any email/web enabled phone with a QWERTY keyboard.
its so much more than that.
Sounds like the explanation requires beer.
i might even be willing to give you a curve to demo for a month or two just to convince you.
just cause youre a fggt and only come out on a monday…
hmmm beer is tempting.
Don’t be jealous.
wm 6.1 also doesn’t properly alert you of when you have messages… which annoyed the fuck out of me on my moto Q9m. it was still pretty nice though, but i have to say once you go black(berry) you never go back.
“1 new message” and the text icon on the desktop, as well as a tone/vibrate, isnt enough for you?
i really need to TM that.
Lindsey is down go…
yea, it makes a noise, and it says it, however if you get two texts, or two emails and you only read one, it changes the home screen to show no new messages.
lol i’ve used all of the platforms, and WM was pretty good but its just not as good no matter how you cut it. the exchange active sync is definitely sweet though.
wow, i was burned! DAM U!
I vote custom titles for everyone that PMd me.
“I got burned by LZ and it wasnt a STD”
hahahahah thats fucking awesome