Blood Diamand review

well, I opted to see this movie over apocolypto because it was in english, and i was tired and didnt really feel like reading. Anyway, this movie is fantastic and leonardo dicaprio(spell?) is truly an amazing actor. he nails his part and the movie is great. the story line is very easy to follow and the action is good. Im not the best at rating movies but this is by far one of the better movies i have sceen all year.:tup::tup:

I kinda liked the previews …

But it’s tough taking my baby’s momma to the movies … i just end up paying for her $8 nap …

I am interested in seeing the movie as wel but his(dicaprio) accent is horrible sounding, I just cant get over bad accents.

thats what i thought to from watching the trailor/previews, but i was amazed at how good it was while watching the movie. He is truley a great actor.

:tup: I saw this on Saturday, good flick.

It’s actually spot on for an african accent.

I spent a week at a diamond mine in Africa last fall, which was under rebel control funding their effort during their 28 year civil war from 1978-2002. Therefore, I am cool because of this movie.

It was actually a pretty peaceful place with no signs that I could recognize of what used to go on there. The capital city on the other hand, was a bombed out, beat up, third world nightmare. Not a place I was happy about being at. It felt so good to feel the plane get liftoff on my way out…

Where is this movie set? Sierra Leone I would guess?

A friend once told me about the DeBeers cartel… This was back in the early 1990s. It’s good to see that the general public is being made aware of their shenanigans…

i hate hip hop now-a-days cuz its such crap, but Nas’s song sounded damn good in the commercial. Not to mention the movie looked pretty decent

Just rented it, and holy fuck. Best movie I’ve seen in a looooooooong time. Yeah, his accent was spot on for a southern African white dude. (He was from Zimbabwe.) Everything about the movie was spot on to what I’ve seen when I was there. I mean, I didn’t see any violence, but the urban settings, the poverty was true to life. Angola was referenced a couple of times. Here’s what the city near the Angola international airport looked like last summer:
So the movie brought back memories. I was just a fucking scared but safe white boy. I can’t imagine living on that God forsaken continent.

Anyhow, powerful movie. Kept me riveted the whole time. Good story, good moral, intense action. I might buy it, and i don’t buy movies. :tup:

Great Film

Yeah, this was really good. Lots of genuine Russian aviation in that as well :tup:

Just downloaded and watched it yesterday and it definately was worth the watch. A little long, but very good none the less. DiCaprio’s accent was pretty damn good too, heard alot of good reviews about it and just had to say :tup: on that too.

dicaprios making a comeback in some pretty good movies lately.

i’ve got this but i still havent watched it yet.