Meet - Philly March 26th - Photos - Video Added on Page 2

The next one will probably be in July, it’d be cool to have an e30 touring there!


wanted: one winning lottery ticket, will kill for cash.

looks like a nice turnout


I hope you know im kidding, you take jabs like a champ!

wow, thats a huge turnout for this time of year, nice pics :tup:

indeed. yea kerry getz is kind of a duesch, but whe i worked at mroe skates in central pa…he and bam came by 3 times in a weeks period and proceeded to annihilate this warehouse…parties every night, breaking shit. my boss hated them but they paid him and put a new 6 fo0t half-pipe opposed to the 4 foot that was in it originally.

…they also skated the sh*t out of it…kerry did some lines(no pun intended) so crazy i never would have imagined anyone could do that in real life.

:tup: to some nice autos and a sick skater, even if he is a duesch