Blu Ray Burning

So i’m getting into this and have read that you have to use the 50 GB disks which are insanely expensive right now. Any here use the 25GB disks at all and what programs do you use?

I am planning on using AnyDVD HD and Clone DVD by slysoft.

I found it easier to either stream to a device that can play the bluray rips or get a video out to your hdtv

The Blu-Ray burners are pretty expensive too…Right now it seems like the best bet is just buy the Blu-Ray. Check eBay

I looked into this and the cost and time to me just wasn’t worth it. I can afford to buy the movies I want in Blu Ray.

Or you can buy an NAS drive, d/l ripped blu rays for free, and stream them to your TV. That’s what I’m doing. I was taught by the master. Chino. :mamoru:

Ya 360 can play x264 encoded movies or do a VGA out to your tv and play it that way as an extended monitor.

I love the HDMI port in my laptop for watching movies.