Where to buy Blue Ray Disks?

where do u guys shop?

TPB and Demonoid.


Blockbuster will have a nice used selection, or the flea market.

Blank disks? You can get them from Newegg.

newegg for blanks, but not really worth it with the price if a burner and price of disks. so i just dl and watch em

burners can be had for <200 but blank blu-ray discs are not worth it right now at almost $10 a disk

i thought that bluray was burned with a regular dvdr drive? and that bluray was just a different codec or some shit. I wanna burn bluray but do i need a special bluray burner? i use sony vegas for my personal editing and it offers to burn in bluray format.

special burner, just like a special player

Bluray is 25gb, DVD is 4.7gb… You are obviously down sampling it if you are burning to regular DVDR.

For computers a bluray player is around 100 bucks, a bluray burner is around 200.

Its not worth it yet, bluray blanks are still about 5 dollars each.

Different wavelength of laser. Much narrower, i believe 300ish nanometers compared the 650nm of traditional dvd lasers.

Its also Violet in color.

I have an account w demonoid but i never got really good quailty movies from there.

I always liked having the disks and cases.

1st disk i bought was hulk, it was amazing, next will be king kong

or you can just do what i did and buy a burner and then buy a media player that plays MKV files and rip blu-ray movie onto that, you will save loads of money in the long run with the price they are at right now

Dark Knight might be one of the best looking BlueRay movies you can get right now. IMO at least.

Also surprisingly Wall-e is amazing…even if it is animated