
Theres no back peddling, I didn’t insult you. It’s not my fault you took insult to a harmless comment.

I don’t care if you believe me or not. I’m not here to impress you, or throw things in your face.

You’ve never once insulted me, please, I’m sure thats something I could easily dig up, but will I? nope, it doesn’t bother me. Think what you will, I could care less either way.

And if you really disect my comment in question, you would see, I was actually doing 2 things. 1, stating my doubt of your “godliness” and 2, if you were in fact that good (since you’re right, I don’t know your qualifications only making assumptions from my own knowledge), I would like to be in touch with you because I could utilize that skillset. So you may need to take all of which you learned, and take a class on reading comprehension.

Good luck, and congrats again