Newman would go for this one…
lol, strait funny
“you just set our people back a hundred years”
thats where turbociv got his bmw from i think…
i pronounce it beemers
you pronounce it wrong.
beemer is a bmw motorcycle
bimmer is a bmw car
you are wrong
Wrongy McWrongster
i pronounce it beemers
btw, my jaw dropped when i watched that video
and then fell off when I read the website intro…
BIMMERS ‘R’ US was born when a young man bought his first car. That young man is Greg Stroud, owner and president of Bimmers ‘R’ Us, Inc. That car just happened to be a 1975 green 2002 BMW. The young man found that fixing his car, instead of having someone else do it, was cost efficient and so began the path of the company.
best part, everyone who worked there was white
you pronounce it wrong.
beemer is a bmw motorcycle
bimmer is a bmw car
you are wrong
Wrongy McWrongster