vid of Dos getting into my del sol, and 2 other pix

my car is so low, dos had to fold his body to an axcute angle to get in, getting out it took like a minute lol

this is my air freshener, it says “police are my favorite people”

and we saw this BMW in the parking lot, the emblem says 'RACING DYNAMICS" and the plate speaks for itself


what a g00n

I have seen that bimmer around before, I dont know why he thinks his 330i is so fast? Maybe it should say right under that "and lose’.

lol @ the vid

edit - originalsin has a license plate pic from here while he visited san diego that says BERGUN D.

That BMW is a dude that works at STEREO ADVANTAGE, because that car is always there in front of the store…


i already told him his license plate is semi-retarded and he’s just asking for trouble.

why doesn’t he drive his car…

he prob looses in the car
and ive got 1 count on me beating this guy. or i think it was him all i know is that i beat a slow sliver beemer

that narrows it down…

and its “bimmer”

lets get a vid of him trying to get in newmans elise… with the roof on

its almost as bad as me getting into newmans elise.