Anyone have one i can borrow for a hot min ? This fan has to go. LMK Thanks
Anyone have one i can borrow for a hot min ? This fan has to go. LMK Thanks
I think I used a large crescent wrench when I removed mine.
Yeah But you have to lock the WP from spinning thats what the tool does.
? Leave the belt on, the bolt will come back off, if not wedge a screw driver into it.
That tool came in handy when I had my e36. Shot you text.
just use a slim 32 and wedge a screwdriver in there. or buy the tool, convenient thing to always have.
Open end wrench and a hammer. Hit the wrench with the hammer, the impact is usually enough to break the fan free. Worked fine when I changed mine.
Screw driver, or if you have a long 10mm wrench you can wedge it against the idler tensioner. Just use a 32mm wrench. Remember it’s reverse threaded.
Can’t tell you how many times I get BMWs in here with either: 1) A completely mangled center nut, sometimes with air chisel marks on and/or through it or 2) all 4 6mm bolts out of the water pump pulley and the pulley still chillin’ on the (mangled) pump shaft.
Something like this always worked fine for me.
I suppose you could make one of these pretty easy…
they’re not expensive to buy and worth having. I can’t really be lending out tools but you’re welcome to stop by the shop and I’ll pop off the fan clutch for you. though it will be a slight pita for you to get it out since e36’s have that stupid shroud
That’s what I did.
Got the proper tool, came off and out in under a min. Thanks pussies!!!
This almost always works.
That thing came in handy so many times.