BMW E46 Preface Sedan Bumper parts

Alright, so I hit a raccoon the other day and it smashed the fuck outta the grills in my front bumper, so I need all 3 pieces, also I need the wheel well liner things that go in the front wheelwells behind the bumper. Defineatly need the left side, could use the right side too if you have it…I think thats all thats broke.

Figured I’d check here before ordering online or getting raped at Towne BMW.

Here’s a pic so you can see what grills I need. They’re the pieces in the very bottom of the bumper.


yea, im aware of the online places, i usually use pelicanparts, but i was hoping that someone might have the parts local before i ordered them. and LOL and the comment to talk to andy at towne in the one post, i hope he dosent mean andy in the service department, that guys an asshole that dosent return phonecalls or even want to speak to you unless your service is actually billable and not warrenty or for the lawsuit.