anyone been to a junkyard lately?

anyone see any e46’s in any junkyards? preferably prefacelift sedans? havent seen any bmw’s in junkyards before but thought id ask. thanks.

try j&j

what are you looking for?

i want a bmw :frowning:

few random things, specifically a rear bumper on the cheap that isnt cracked anywhere. closest one ive found on forums or cl is in nyc.

also looking for the part of the stock intake that rests ontop of the radiatior, mine is cracked.

other random option parts i may find that my car dosent have and i like.

pm me with anything you have, stock or not. may be interested in other things.

Check there and put in the zip code… see what kind of car they came from, and call to inquire about the rest of the bits…

i do this all the time… its awesome

What about that place local, Willz or something like that? Have a website, and They have tons of stuff.