Junkyards with VW's?

I called a couple places this morning looking for VW Jetta’s 99.5-05, but everything has turned up null.

Anyone know of a good junkyard with some Jetta’s in stock? I am looking for a few parts. Thanks in advance. (Tried Marks and M&M)

I think there might be one or two here in Binghamton. little far of a drive. if they are small, I could grab them and ship for cost+shipping+my time.

I was told to try LKQ or something like that…

Also, www.car-part.com
Thats where I bought a dist. with cam sensor for $30

F VW drive the F Body

I hear ya Pauly, it needs a Master Cylinder, and I definitely can’t deliver pizzas in the Z! :wtf:

bring it over i’m bored

I’ve had good luck with www.car-part.com.

Agreed, dealer wanted 170 bucks for a plastic taillight for a pontiac.

I bought one used from a yard in orlando for 42 dollars shipped.

J & J’s in South Buffalo.

2x j&j has them

what parts are you looking for?

I know of a MK4 in Orchard Park thats being parted out.

PM me. I dont get on here to often, Ill get you his contact info

I ended up going to J&J because they were the ONLY one stocking the part I needed, only to show up and find out the part they had was in the same condition as mine.

I am looking for a wiper linkage, my driver side froze up and I cant get it loose for the life of me. The passenger side one was frozen at J&J, but we got it loosened up quite a bit. I told him let it soak until Monday and if its better I would buy it.

Dubd – pm sent

SG plaza has a lot of junk VW’s

LKQ has one, Buffalo Auto Wrecking has 2 and they let you pull your own parts.

just go mono wiper style its cheap and you don’t have passenger :stuck_out_tongue:

Also could try Vince’s, out in Akron. He too, like Jack at J & J, is overpriced though…

I can’t open pms for some reason. He sold the shell yesterday… Sorry broski


Thanks for the heads up, I will check them out tomorrow

Right now I am going mono, and its the passenger one thats bound up! But I dont know how thrilled I will be with only one wiper during heavier snow, know what I mean? PS, we need to work something out mannnn

No problem, thanks for the help

stop by my work 10-6

1212 abbott rd,

^Word, will catch you sometime this week