I called a couple places this morning looking for VW Jetta’s 99.5-05, but everything has turned up null.
Anyone know of a good junkyard with some Jetta’s in stock? I am looking for a few parts. Thanks in advance. (Tried Marks and M&M)
I called a couple places this morning looking for VW Jetta’s 99.5-05, but everything has turned up null.
Anyone know of a good junkyard with some Jetta’s in stock? I am looking for a few parts. Thanks in advance. (Tried Marks and M&M)
I think there might be one or two here in Binghamton. little far of a drive. if they are small, I could grab them and ship for cost+shipping+my time.
I was told to try LKQ or something like that…
Also, www.car-part.com
Thats where I bought a dist. with cam sensor for $30
F VW drive the F Body
I hear ya Pauly, it needs a Master Cylinder, and I definitely can’t deliver pizzas in the Z! :wtf:
bring it over i’m bored
I’ve had good luck with www.car-part.com.
Agreed, dealer wanted 170 bucks for a plastic taillight for a pontiac.
I bought one used from a yard in orlando for 42 dollars shipped.
J & J’s in South Buffalo.
2x j&j has them
what parts are you looking for?
I know of a MK4 in Orchard Park thats being parted out.
PM me. I dont get on here to often, Ill get you his contact info
I ended up going to J&J because they were the ONLY one stocking the part I needed, only to show up and find out the part they had was in the same condition as mine.
I am looking for a wiper linkage, my driver side froze up and I cant get it loose for the life of me. The passenger side one was frozen at J&J, but we got it loosened up quite a bit. I told him let it soak until Monday and if its better I would buy it.
Dubd – pm sent
SG plaza has a lot of junk VW’s
LKQ has one, Buffalo Auto Wrecking has 2 and they let you pull your own parts.
just go mono wiper style its cheap and you don’t have passenger
Also could try Vince’s, out in Akron. He too, like Jack at J & J, is overpriced though…
I can’t open pms for some reason. He sold the shell yesterday… Sorry broski
Thanks for the heads up, I will check them out tomorrow
Right now I am going mono, and its the passenger one thats bound up! But I dont know how thrilled I will be with only one wiper during heavier snow, know what I mean? PS, we need to work something out mannnn
No problem, thanks for the help
stop by my work 10-6
1212 abbott rd,
^Word, will catch you sometime this week