BMW Repair shop?

Basically , not saying all dealers are a joke . But they are as well .

Can’t disagree with you there. Every industry has its bad apples and even the best have bad days sometimes.

I did dealer work for a while , guys don’t give any shit about your car lol we hate them all . Honestly a good independent shop with good tools can do just as much as a dealer "exc warr work " smaller shops also will care more about your car as its more personal and smaller less peeps to cloud memory so to say . My shop is burried and good customers get work done quickly and we pretty much know the car seeing as there is 3 of us compared to 15 techs .

Hey, different shops for different people. Some like the specific knowledge of a dealer while others like the more friendly atmosphere of an independent.

Note that I’m coming from a background of a “high line” dealer where I know for a fact that we routinely bend over backwards for customers, I’m sure it’s totally different at say a high volume Honda dealer.