BMW Ultimate Drive

Sure… they’re handing out the keys to $80K+ vehicles. The ///M line doesn’t make it out for insurance purposes, not because they don’t want people beating on them.

Besides, it’s all in the name of saving breasts right?

oh i know, thats what i meant. its not about the cost of the car, they give out 7 series and the drop top 6.

i helped donate $150 two years to the breasts. that was a rough 150 miles :slight_smile:

I’m sure if you pulled up in the right car they would hand you over the keys to the M


Beating on that Z4 was so much fun. “manual” > automatic. I want one. :lol:

Let’s see… about $81 donated today by me.

God that was so fun… :tup:

Can’t wait until next year!

its the same group of cars that rotates through all the cities you get to drive. they dont just start pulling cars off the dealers lot for people to drive. they will probably have like 8000 miles on them by the time they make it to buffalo.

The ones I drove were around 8400 miles or so.

its funny … avg mpg on the 650 for all the miles was a whole 12mpg!

gotta love EVERYONE beating the hell out of that car :tup:

ya… I wish I was old enough to drive that or the 7. The way we were beating on them you think it wouldn’t matter. But I guess with the extra HP they gotta play it safe somehow.

was the z4 that they had there 3.0i or a 3.0si?

they only had the 3.0i to drive. they didnt liet the si or m out :tdown:

eh that’s ok… it still rocked

Plus… the “idrive” or whatever they call it in the sedans… holy shit is that the worst thing ever. If I got a BMW I would make sure it didn’t come with that.

It’s that bad.