
For those who missed it last week, it is on now. and will be on again at 3.

I saw it, that show is definately, quite interesting. Good interesting.

I just dont like the whole angry black man theme…not just because im white…but they are so stupid in how they do it.

I watched about 15 minutes last night and gave up. If it can’t make me really laugh in 15 minutes a cartoon is not worth my time.

tried to watch it last night and wasnt really impressed…plus the (ginger kids) southpark just doesnt seem to get old to me:lolham:

…they have no souls…

The third episode was great… Can’t find a torrent of it yet though.

“Would you like a doggy bag, miss?”
“A doggy bag is $90, a tea bag is $50.” :rofl:


GAME RECOGNIZE GAME GRANDPA! And right now you lookin’ kinda UN-FAMILIAR!

I can’t see you Grandpa? Hello? Anybody there?

Check out this interview with the Boondocks creator:

Just watched episode 5… they got Samuel L Jackson to do a guest voice. :rofl:

I didn’t realize it was him until he started saying one of his signature lines…

…then the Monty Python reference…
“You will not have died in vain.”
“Actually, I’m not quite dead”
“Then you will not have been mortally wounded in vain”
“I think I’ll pull through.”

I just found it quite funny that they got a boxing license for the parking lot grandfather brawl last episode…I missed this weeks tho :frowning:

Episode 4 (last week’s)

Episode 5 (This week’s)[eztv].3417568.TPB.torrent

Anybody watch the Christmas special? Holy shit that was great… Riley as the “Santa slayer”.

WTF is up with that character Jasmine though? Every time I see her I keep thinking she looks like she’s got two pop-poms attached to her head. Anime hair to the nth degree…

This series has really impressed me as it has progressed. The writing, some of the shots they come up with, etc.

“Dear Santa: You are a bitch ass nigga.” :lol: