a satirical Mona Lisa. pure and unadulterated hilarity.
I agree. It was pretty funny. I enjoyed how they poorly spliced old bits of Chef’s dialogue together.
Dammit I missed it!!!
It’ll be on about 60 more times this week, don’t worry.
I was pissed i missed it.
I was supposed to play this kid in the raquetball tournament at pitt at 730. Well i get up there and he cant make it till 930. So i was there until close to 11. Then i had to get showered and eat ASAP so i could get myself drunk before bed.
Yeah, that shit was classic. Great episode.
did he touch you… here?
Haha, one of the best for sure. “That fruity little club has brainwashed you”
did he ever do… this?
My uncle did that to me one time! :doh:
ginger kids episode was a good one too
right click save as…
one of my favorites
link to whole episode
the scientology episode was pretty funny as well
On again at 10pm tonight! DVR!
On right now, 12:00
if you have a bit torrent client you can download any episode from www.mrtwig.net .