south park tonight..

OMG that was horrible… i feel bad watching it…

“No hope… No Hope…”


I missed it. Thank God they run it like 5x a week lol.

Ya, I saw it too. One of my friends was cracking up and I was like wtf, nooo!

That was a good episode but terrible at the same time, the worst one i have seen is the terry schiavo one, where kyle is killed but brought back to life and they keep calling him a vegetable. i love south park, i have my dvr recording every episode that plays on comedy central

lol I liked the little kids playing detroit :lol: (I think it was detroit atleast)… I was rolling

i noticed at least 2 steve irwin jokes, think they’re trying to make a statement after all the heat they took from the satans halloween party episode?
this is from satan’s halloween party where steve erwin gets kicked out for not having a costume

i seriously don’t understand how those guys sleep at night, but it’s still funny

“they stand as much of a chance as steve irwin does in a tank filled with stingrays”


Parts of it were really funny. But on the whole it was kind of depressing. Not their best effort, for sure.