Border patrol at its finest

hahhaha saw this once before… like 20 mexicans in the car :rofl:

Benny Hill music FTW.

I figured you, me and about 4 others here would get that.

Very appropriate choice.

Heh, I only got it because of Family Guy.

My dad loved that show, watche it with him all the time :tup:


lol @ the yakkety sax music.

lol, i’ll have to show this to my buddy. he’s coming back from border patrol academy in 2 weeks

Mexican clown car? Would’ve been hilarious if they all came pouring out of a VW


HAHA the benny hill theme made it perfect.

lol… same :frowning:

benny hill isn’t THAT old. it was on comedy central at 3pm every day until like 1998

I counted 13. Weak. I’ve fit 11 people in a cavalier before haha.