Who saw Benny Benassi last night?

Was it good??? How long did he spin??? From what time to what time??? Post those pictures biatches!!!:slight_smile:

i did, had an awesome time. and of course he rocked the house.

i know mike and ken went also micah

i was sick. anyone PICS?

i wish i would have known…

Yeah it was awesome, benny pwned the place, ill post up pics when i get home lata

Yup mike has about a million pictures, he filled up the card on his camera :lol:

Benny rocked the place hard! Hope he comes around again sometime soon!

If you liked that show, you should go this weekend to GUV. It will be insane!!!

I might not get pics up til later tonight… i just finally got home…i am so fucking tired i am ready to drop, i havent slept in 2 fucking days. but it was all sooooo worth it, benny is the motherfucking man


Its 2pm and I just got back with my girl. We were rocked all night at a afterparty. :slight_smile:

MikeyFoxGT was reprusenting by the DJBooth

Where did you go?

benni is sick i wish i could have gone but i had a test today

ugh don’t remind me! I want to go so bad but I can’t make it out to it :frowning:

A few pics :

DJ Stefano, I thought his set before Benny was pretty damn good as well:






Here is the motherfucking man :


lol, people were even hoppin over the barrier trying to get a closer pic


Good fucking time.

Benny > you :smiley:

haha… niceeeeeee pics. Makes me wish i coulda been there :frowning:

I see some nice -(.)-(.)- everywhere!!! :slight_smile:

If you like Benny Benassi music, wait until you hear the music they play in the Drink. Dirty House will become your new favorite music.

there are some uuggllyy girls in those pics though

Oh man…believe me, there was a ton of good lookin girls out. Benny brought them out in flocks. :lolsign:

Dragonfly is a nice club…too bad they close at 4AM.