Bored with your Gallardo's styling? Do what PJB would do:

Make it into a mustang. :retardclap

Literally the worst build in the history of the internet.

No fuck that, in the history of motorized transportation.

Better yet, why are you on H-T Benny? Closet Honda fanboi?

But agreed, horrible idea.

Wow what an epic waste

you know its bad when honda forums are making fun of it

to be honest with you… that guy probably has so much money and so many real lambos and other bad ass exotics, that this was just a small project car for him, and im willing to bet that it wasnt exactly some hillbilly in his back yard doing this either. would i have done this? no way lol, but whoever did…they have some serious balls

Not something I would do.

It surely would be a street racing sleeper though.

wins points for originally
loses points for hellafuckingomgwtfareyouthinking fail


in the butt

Waste of a perfectly good lambo.

Maybe if he made it look like a REAL mustang and not some abortion of a mix between the both…

Waste of time and money!

Yeah, the rear of that car looks horrible

ahahahahahhahahhahaah :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

His next build: Can you say Subaru Veyron 16.4 STI?

wow what an abortion. i haven’t seen one positive comment yet LOL

was the lambo body destroyed to begin with? maybe this was cheaper than buying lambo body panels?

i bet he sold the shell and made money in the end hahaha. i personally love it just for the fact that it makes all you fucks go apeshit, esp. the honda-tech-ers. i could give a shit less if lambos and mustangs got destroyed in the making of this car. i would clutch dip this car all day and night in traffic. its obnoxious. thats the goal. he wins.

Yes it was crushed.

Reason: Gallardo doesn’t have the “Lambo” scissor doors that would have made the body actually worth something on Honda-Tech.

what is it 1998? no one on honda-tech has lambo doors your turd. hahaha