Cabo Wabo
jack & deit pepsi>*
wild turkey > *
Only Crazy Bird 101. I like the pocket size flask.
Everclear, Red Bull & Gatorade = teh win
hmmm… I’ll take a plain coke/pepsi…
:rolleyes: :down:
Turning 20 will be fun… turning 21 will be more fun.
I hate being little!
red mountain dew and vodka or rasberry gingerale and vodka.
ur 19!?
i can make u do that!
uh- huh… last time I heard that was a couple months ago… I haven’t left his side since.
gettem’ while their fresh!! LOL
well does he
not as well as you do :bj:
:parishilton: thats hot
Sonny for real today after work I will call you, no joking LAst night turned into last minute Matrix call, you wouldnt understand
hahahahaa! Thats funny… only because he wouldnt!
only because i’m not metrosexual … s’all good
b-rad, going to garage after work, so late night i’ll be up that way… maybe i’ll see you after teh :greddy: club