
you know I give the benefit of the doubt but I mean some of that stuff is just ridiculous.

Yeah that’s a bit out of line.

PS can’t help that you are a pathological liar.

or youre just playing on the band wagon.

or im not. hmm another fucking idiot who I’ve never met, yet thinks he knows something about me.

Shouldnt you be out moving your shop since you cant pay rent? I mean its only been like 3 months at this place.

if your taking about the
Bluetakesouthisass Bandwagon then yes you are correct sir.

burden of proof is on you :smiley:

what the fuck are you talking about you idiot? Shop?

Shut the fuck up already, You don’ even know who this is. I have been around for all your BS stories like the 10 second pass or what ever backwards after slipping on a bannana peel,getting fucked in the ear, hitting the jersey barrier and drinking a coke all at the same time.

there is a girl I talked to awhile ago I hear a many of things about you. But me personally I wont take it to that level.


Who needs to pay donations for e-fighting when this shit comes on?


Your the cunt with the 14 car garage and 100k job still rocking the basement bedroom at mommy’s house. I still dont know why your even still around. Nobody has any respect for you and the car that was bought for you. Your a real POS and should do us all a favor and DIAF.

PS, the girl i’m with only ever dated on person from this site and I never had a problem with that or him. Not my fault people wanted to get with her.

Your you realise you brought everything that has come to you on yourself.

ooh oops, wrong idiot. theres to many of you to keep up with.

around my bs? arent you the asshole with the ho bag, and a riced out piece of shit?

hmm, touch a nerve much did I?

guess you haven’t seen the pics :wink:

cmon, get angrier, lets see you pop a blood vessel.

im bored it will get deleted when im done just fair warning

I’m just proving how low the iq of this site is one member at a time, this is good stuff.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Yeah car has been gone since 05, bought a zx-12, got bored with that and bought another bike,

Got rid of the “Ho bag” in 2006. Why do you think mommy and daddy will let you have her over for a tea party? I can give you her number.

What do you do now a days blue? Except wondering around telling 18 yr olds you have a 10sec car?

:rofl: at thread

in befo da :lockd:

oh we got time, im not leaving for 20 mins.