WTF Happened to NYSpeed

This is my new posts selection now?!

Caught t3h HIV.

It’s february.

Too bad 2turboZ’s microdermabrasion thread didn’t show up there.

exactly everyone is fucking BORED

lol this thread was inspired by yesterday when i hit it and it was the microderm, katana or sai, unhaired, zombie weapons, blonde or brunette :smash2:

I dunno, it seems alot of you are pretty bored all year round.

Today’s performance has simply just been bad.

you posted in 4 out of 4 of them?

Jim you might as well add a poll to this thread as well…


yea because the post whores kept bumping shit out so I had to get them to higher up on the list.

I simply couldn’t keep up with all of them trying my hardest

more porn,less zombies.



pics NWs
morepic NWS


Here you go:

Hey Fuckos that was a serious question. And because I want to bring my sexy back for the summer season ahead.

Carry on.

It is a current trend that I am noticing in the WNY area. Cars are no longer an interest or priority to most. I notice it as a slow down in business and the amount of people in general who come in talking about projects and what they want to do.

It appears to me that people are losing interest in their cars the only reasons I can see are the following.

  1. Can’t afford it
  2. Can’t justify it
  3. Getting older and thus moving on in life (house, family, Kids) which take up available spending cash
  4. Not interested in general anymore in going fast but more just hanging out
  5. Too many people spend their money on Drinking, Drugs or eating out.
  6. Can’t and won’t put the effort to do the car the proper way, spend money on crap parts and methods of modding a car, that blows up and then it costs them double to do it right. People just can’t handle the stress of flushing that kind of money away and then say fuck it with their car and don’t bother fixing it.
  7. People are moving away and no new people coming in.

It’s really sad that this community is dying slowly. Some still mod their cars but alot of people just get do what most buffalo people do and get high, drunk and just waste away remembering all the “good times”.

I’m not judging this purely on the traffic I see or the major projects I talk to people about it is my take on the situation as a whole how I have observed what has been going on for the last few years and the general decline of the automotive scene. Anyone remember 2002 and 2003.

This makes me want to slit my wrists.

THat’s where “subscribe to thread” comes in :wink:


You are not allowed to slit your wrists just yet… in a few months, knock yourself out. But not just yet.

Thanks Rick. If you a scared RX3 go to church! :stuck_out_tongue: